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Aug 2012
Say something about me, now that I'm no longer around
Say she was no good
Say she was the best
Say she was never to be messed with
But remember to say I fought

Say I did no good
Say I never hurt a soul
Say I flew for others
Say I never cried by myself
But remember to say I fought

Say whenever whatever
Say "her pride and ego"
Say what I believed
Say "all the lies and truth"
But remember to say I fought

Say I never kept my word
Say I was loyal to the core
Say my corpse may rot in hell
Say I healed your heart
But remember to say I fought

Say prayers and curses
Sing lovely hymns and songs
Say you hate me, say you love me
But to remember to say I fought

Show them my wounds and trophies
Show them my life wrought with disdain
Show them my laughter and tears
Show them how I fought through it all

Say whenever whatever
Say "her pride her ego"
Say what I believed
Say "all the lies and truth"
But remember to say I fought

Say what others don't say
Say what others won't say
Say what others didn't know
Say what others wouldn't know

But say along with the others

"She was a fighter"
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