I would rather be hysterical than vulnerable to what most people call love. I would rather couple with strange women on an Amsterdam getaway than let one more man try to own me.
I prefer to ignore my own psychodynamics in favor of endless talking cure analysis and occasional astrology cult ****** that promise to speed my eventual evolution from wounded *** object to invulnverable starchild.
I don’t need a Beverly Hills shrink to tell me my narcissism and depression and squeaky voice are symbolic of never having the power to set a boundary between me and my father who doted over my puberty with slobbering praise and veiled lust.
Everyone who knows me for more than a week sees my father throwing me financial bones instead of apologizing for what he did and the more I take his money the freer I feel distanced by automobiles with dark-tinted windows, a house with a skull and crossbones doormat, a silver .45 under my pillow and not one single ex-boyfriend about whom I will ever say a kind word.
I have created emotional and psychological invulnerability; all men are now my father and all men pay the price of never being loved by me and I pay the price of never being able to let them love me.
Now I just play with partners and when they inevitably start to use the “L” word I start to run inside and I bounce off the walls and mirrors of my own emptiness and I go on a photo safari to Africa where I pretend to understand the meaning of life and I put out restraining orders against the men who insist that I explain and I have come to rely on legal and monetary fences to protect me from the truth about my deep loneliness.
I’ve never had an ****** never said I love you twice to the same person and I think as long as the money’s there I won’t have to.