The airport was at its usual daily peak thousands wanting to fly away. Frustrations mounting with each delay but eventually this flight. Departed late evening on runway 201 glittering in the dusky sun.
From the ground it looked a perfect take off but it was not alone! Besides the sleek aircraft was a disc like object keeping pace as it rose! Ground crew were afraid it could be a missile at least for a short while.
The air force were alerted it stayed along side passengers saw the disc. Silver in colour no markings they could see none of the crew had a clue. Speeding ahead it turned on a collision course towards them at G force!
The plane started to take emergency evasive action to avoid a fatal impact! In the control tower nothing showed up on radar even though it could be seen! After about twenty minutes it started to glow then seemed to slow.
As witnesses watched silently it split into two instantly into space it flew! The plane crew decided to continue their flight no air force jets caught the UFO that night!
The Foureyed Poet.
Had the ground crew, pilots and passengers witnessed a UFO sighting? The Foureyed Poet.