It pains me so Never having been so down the ache, the everlasting pain kept the pursuing frown
To not have what the heart desire or to be with who the heart demands as in betrayal it calls me a liar for not following it but instead my head
Rash decisions Bold and incorrect actions that for now ever shall haunt me as I lay down in despair reactions
Too many unknowns No answers untold Only stray me further from the depth of what is needed
The path I have took is not the one to lead (or the one to take!) as I now walk alone
I look the fool, as the crisis unfold And the truth reveal To only ****** that which is left of me
I cry myself to sleep As I lay curled in my sheets All that but I can do is weep for this mistake has no end!
Look towards the light and remember what is right for the shame may remain but all I can do is try another day
Ever have one of those days where you just feel like nothing is going right? Maybe it is a love life? Or just your life is upside down? Remember, this is but only one short moment out of many to come! Cherish each one and try to live another.