this isn't really something i know how to express.
how do you put into words something you can't touch? how do you put into words the thousand-pound weight on your chest like a truck slamming into you in the middle of the day knocking the air from your lungs leaving you sitting dazed on the sidewalk? how do you explain that even when the pain lessens it's still a ten-pound weight heavy enough to let the ache be felt?
how can i tell you straight up that this ache sharpens itself into a needle on bad days and strikes me right through the heart so that even breathing hurts too much? how can i make you see, make you understand that my biggest fear is myself?
they say you will only know a man if you walk a mile in his moccasins but how can i pull you into the darkness to stand by my side, to scream when i scream, to feel what i feel? how can you ever hope to understand a life you yourself do not live?