perhaps they'd like these linguistic albinos, but there is a greater allegiance to the tongue, than to the flesh, to the flag, to the geography... there's a transcendental allegiance to the soul... i hold my allegiance to the tongue, even if it's imported and a parasitically gloating bud akin to cancer... i still hold my allegiance to the tongue, but not, to the people that imbue it materialistically as flag & flesh first... i have an allegiance beyond the diadem of the crown... i will speak the natives tongue, but i will not bleach myself in order to sink to their level of despair... hence i kept a dual allegiance to another tongue... nation does not come before tongue... and tongue is what is inserted to animate the soul; forget your roots, forget whether there was ever you in the first place; ******* can't bleach me into being their circus ******* that constantly tend to invent slang!*
how often i find myself wishing to speak a third language, other than english, **** it: even german! but i sometimes come around thankful that there's a cushion for the ear to recline on... a song in finnish, in french, norwegian, faroese... russian... and i'm suddenly satiated... they might have forced out the tongue of the africans... but then again the skin colour disparity, and sure, the africans managed to climb over their loss of tongue... problem is... they're white, i'm white... my tongue is the only thing that differentiates me from them... i can't forget that, i simply can't accept the Islam of the english language... given that it has mutated in america and is hardly represented by the authentic natives... if we're going to be so, ******* blunt; there has to be a middle... you even know how intimidating it is to be visiting paris, and not knowing an ounce of french? you get to play a deaf person... unless you find an Italian or a Canadian girl to be your tour guide in a hostel... otherwise? cut my tongue out and start calling me Pierre, the village idiot.