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Dec 2017
i've been fortunate enough to have seen
love at first sight, twice!
the fortunate part is not that i have seen
love at first sight twice,
but the first time i spotted it:
  i was looking out...
               unfortunately love at first sight
is plagued by tragedy,
  and it never lasts,
     as i've managed to see the second time,
when i was looking in -
      i.e. in the first instance,
my first g/f younger sister,
               i could have written a Nabokov
with her, the fixation came with waiting,
watching her transform into a woman...
she became a subject -
in the latter instance? i was the object...
you can see it immediately,
strolling into a room with a bunch of people,
two girls butchering pancake doug:
- did you add oil to the dough?
- no.
- you have to add some oil to the dough!
she was sitting innocently before her eyes
glazed over with stardust, transfixed me working
the pancake making,
  rapaciously she asked for my iPod and started
scrolling through it...
          she enjoyed the pancakes to boot,
then we started dating,
and then... it all ended.
         point being, i have been fortunate
enough to see liebe auf den ersten blick
from two perspectives,
  being the object of, but also making a
subject of...
                  i still have to admit the look
people give is least complimented by
a magpie attracted to something shiny -
frankly, that comparison is demeaning...
there are no metaphors for it,
nothing worth writing about descriptively -
to me that's taboo...
           you have to actually experience it...
lucky if you can get two jokers cards in
the poker draw.
Mateuš Conrad
Written by
Mateuš Conrad  36/M/Essex (England)
(36/M/Essex (England))   
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