I wish I had enough words The right words To write a love poem about love I wish I knew enough beautiful words Enough dangerous words Enough stupid words Enough ecstatic words To write a love poem about love But alas I do not have the words To explain the beauty of giving yourself to someone Body mind and soul Or the danger in surrendering so completely to another living being Just as falliable as you are Or the stupidity in opening yourself up To the possibility of the worst pain you were ever feel Or the complete ecstasy That comes with the reckless abandon for yourself that love brings along But I do not have the words to explain all that Because I am merely human And while loving is the most human thing of all To describe it is so far beyond the realm of human comprehension Because part of the beauty of love Is that it is never the same for any person Or between any two people And no mere mortal could ever hope to understand Something so varied and divine So I will not write a love poem about love Because I do not have the words And I will not seek to understand it Because I do not need to All I need Is to feel it.