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Dec 2017
getting you
out of my skin,
my head,
out from underneath
my fingernails
(i’ve bled, god, how i’ve bled)
has taken some Digging,
some maneuvering
it’s taken (un)learning
of all the molecules in me
see, i’ve always thought we were
one in the same.
your soul connected to mine,

our beings intertwined
having come from the same star
or galaxy
i’ve always thought we were written
in the moon,

our love destined
to be told through
to the end
by the tides

(you wore over me for
billions of years,
turning my hardness into
crumbling sand,
weaving canyons into my

but only in losing you did i finally realize,
even souls created together,
seemingly brought together by the fate of
their common roots,
can be destined to grow apart
Alex Day
Written by
Alex Day  21/Other
     Krista DelleFemine and Raviha Hussain
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