"You loved poetry long before I came into your life. But the poetry that you loved was just a shadow, I am its actual substance. I am your poetry incarnated." ~ PM
You are the subject of every words I put together, With you as its inspiration, the art is much discovered. Nothing beats the design and style I incorporate in my piece For the color and delight is you, my ever beloved prince.
Indeed the loved I have for poetry is so long before you came I loved it since I was a teen but I love it much more today No wonder the message is so real like 3ds in a movie For the emotions included here are feelings of reality.
You're my poetry incarnated for once you only lived in my dream A dream yet to be explored and a dream I yearn, long and pray At present, you're not just a man of shadow hidden in my words For you have the face of a poet, pen has been your sword.
Sooner or later I'll behold your actual presence in a way God so ordained, You're not just a shadow anymore but the substance of the poem I made.