Why did you choose the guy over me Why did you let me go What made you think that I am ok I am not ok I am not letting you ruin my life I am not going to let your mistakes hurt me You say he is the love of your life But is he? Is he the one you want to ruin your life with Is he the one you want to have a fifth child with You keep on telling me no but is it the truth Is it the reason you gave me up Is it the reason YOU put this drama in my life All these questions have been going through my mind my whole life All of these questions you can’t even answer yourself Why is it that the choices you are making affecting me You are speechless because you know I am right You know that the pain is becoming too much Are you the reason Is he the reason I don’t even know anymore I don’t even know if you are my mother If you were a true mother you would understand why I wrote this poem If you were a true mother you would do anything to get me back You would do anything to have me call you my mother You would do anything to gain my trust back Why the choices Are you the one that has to change Is it me that has to change I don’t even know the answer to that question Are people supposed to give you sympathy What are we supposed to do about it We can’t do anything because it is your fault It is your fault you lost everything It is your fault that everything went wrong