the god before me is but shadow, and to this shadow i feel inclined to solely bow to / die gott vor mir ist doch (adverb of the verb: to cast a) schatten, und zu dieser schatten ich fühlen geneigt zu allein neigen zu.*
a woman is an animal that learned to speak... man... an animal that learned to think!
there are but two impulses for a... grr... a philosophical narrative - systematisation and inconsistency - perhaps i'll dare to add in effect, a compliment - contradiction... although the reason why ridicule is so annoying, is that you are unable to contradict yourself... to ridicule is to make the other party unable to make themselves ridiculous... ridicule attaches the other's sternness being mingled with a rigidity of being unable to poke fun at themselves... the english are mostly afraid of being ridiculed, in that they are afraid of being unable to poke fun at themselves, retaining the stiff upper-lip... ridicule = to be unable to be ridiculous, or... recite a Monty Python sketch... or sing a cheesy pop song... i can't even begin to even understand why some much of englishness has rubbed off on me... why i desire their women but would rather walk a dog. - then again: to ridicule is to become ridiculous - in that one cannot appear ridiculous when ridiculing... then again that extends into: i'm really ******* riddled! so there's a positive outcome: to be ridiculed implies that you're riddling... in that you are entertained by the wrong type of humour... namely experiencing the other's hubris... yet you're still the riddle... they're still far from what's to come... a humbling; arch, arch over before your shadow, my dear Quasimodo.