To whom it may concern Though there aren't many of you at all. I am deeply sorry. Not an apology at all, no. I am a sorry sort. One to steer clear of, You may catch the taint of my Sorryness. There are ghosts around me Of squandered opportunities, Chances never taken, Disappointments. Oh, I am sorry. I am sorry that I may never meet you, Though I know that you exist. I am sorry that we may never find the Joy that the other can bring Though I am sure that that joy would be fleeting. I am sorry that I love you But sorrier that you have no idea And that I don't know who you are.
I started this poem as a way to sort of wallow in despair, but I realized halfway through that I'm not sorry for myself - I just have a lot of regrets. I hold the firm belief that out there, somewhere, is the love of my life, and the thought I may never find them saddens me greatly.