babys hair with a womans eyes lips so sweet she is a treat Summertime out playing in the park with baby's breath the lavender scent quest
Samantha was her name loved to be loved with a peaceful heart to impart she loved horses and her boyfriend to keeping quiet in her garden with beautiful flowers adorned
the trees were her friend whom she grew to depend out of silence from within she cried that day her boyfriend left her but he never did forget her for he was a soldier going off to war news came back to Samantha that he was killed in a battle
she was so heart broken but found out she was pregnant with his child a lovely baby came in the world a girl as if in a dream raised her baby well that was until she had run out of money running on empty
had to give the baby up for adoption yet this wasn't her option suffering Samantha deep inside she ran away to her garden suffering in silence deep inside there a beautiful angel met her told her she was called to be a dear sister among the blessed order of the Mt. Claire nuns...
she was deeply relieved more then ready to achieve praying, meditating and loving many years would pass at every reason to grasp a knock came at her door for it was
none other but her little girl This time all grown up as a woman with flowers in her hair A loving embrace but Samantha had insisted with faith her call was to honor Jesus but she couldn't resist to have visits from her daughter
A moment lived out in history where at times life can be a great mystery Samantha had achieved great dignity with belief.