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Dec 2017
"We all live under the sun"

Words rolling gently off her tongue
Her finger tips gliding over tightly wound string
Notes drip dropping like liquid
From her lips,
A melody plucking at your heart strings

Perhaps when the light
Reaches us

When the days are without end
And the nights are long forgotten
When you are everywhere and nowhere
And when the traffic slows
And the lights are dimmed
On once darkened streets
Made brighter by the sun

The note will hit a cord
When Love and sorrow untangle from each other’s embrace
And in the stillness and quiet of our bodies
When we come up for air
We will speak these words
As the sun drenches our breath

"We all live under the sun"
Rosy Kay
Written by
Rosy Kay  Toronto, Canada
(Toronto, Canada)   
       RK, Pradip Chattopadhyay and stΓ©phane noir
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