language as a museum, some nudes, nudes are welcome, but also the dyslexic takes on "profanity" - namely: like f%$£ you can - you f------ albino take on a n-----! ooh... takes two to take a lesson in art... nackte ist güt... korrekt s(c)hreiben, arg! das ist arg! **** güt, oo - roll on, roll off... hovering over A eine gnat - and how often is the umlaut missing, when it's required to make syllable cuts, curbs, and counting? i'm starting to imagine the lost art of counting as the essence of arithmetic - e.g. das ist goo, nein gút - oot, utterly - ah - goo, ja? jawohl? reiteration in expansion... das ist nein gút: g~at - but the roll-over count of braille 2x, ja? where j = y... Hanover blues - güt... goo't - T tap crisp - scheißefraude - when did language resemble a coordination? whenever the never of the "artist" ever perfecting the realm of numbers?! so, who's this fresh ******* reading of the dictatorial press of what's: "art"? next time he comes along these ways knocking... tell him to invent, a ******* doorbell. me? deaf as a doorknob.