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Nov 2017
what once made prophets of men,
also made the same men
enslaved in Cassandra -
                   the sleeping Pandora
a perfumery of the rot of, hell;
it's quiet obnoxious people treating
language like some
                bombastic but
more to the point:
                disregarding language -
as a medium equivalent to
the already presented canvas -
             with bomb, with rat,
with flush, with gnat,
                    the moment langugae
becomes a joke, all of life is a joke...
must be the tragic times we live in that
have to summon so many comics!
              mammals laugh,
while lizards abandon their stealth
of apathy and shed no tear...
                 ever heard of a chattering
      those ******* are one-liners...
bite, snap, never let go,
and let the ***** surface, suffocated.
Mateuš Conrad
Written by
Mateuš Conrad  36/M/Essex (England)
(36/M/Essex (England))   
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