There is this other world This world where I feel I belong This world where everything is right And I can do no wrong. Where no one gets hurt By the choices I make And I know what to do And know exactly what’s at stake. I don’t know what to do Because I don’t really know you But I do. That’s where it’s crazy. I know you after such a short time I know you like I know myself. I understand why you are you Why you do the things you do I know you. I love you. In this other world we get to be together No one gets hurt We are just together. We are simply us. We are perfect you see? But why can’t it just be? Why is it not simple? Why is it so hard to make these choices? And why doesn’t this feel wrong? It’s supposed to. Right? We aren’t supposed to work. I’m supposed to be with her. I’m supposed to be in love And I am. I am with her and in love. But I love you…too. And in this other world We get to be together. No questions asked. Just us. Together.