it's not unusual - me dealing with this thoughts of ending my life have become commonplace an almost comforting constant in an otherwise ever-changing living space
i am in a constant state of flux between okay and not and right now i am decidedly not
as i sit here and let the tears fall off my nose and wonder if this improvised prose conveys how deeply hurting my soul is because right now i am just wondering if the remaining sleeping pills on my bedside table are enough for me to go to sleep and not have to wake back up because that is where i am left not wanting to do this anymore feeling completely and utterly bereft
and i try so hard not to let people's words effect me but it's hard when they harp on my failures repeatedly and remind me of all the times and the ways i fall short because they're judge, jury, and prosecutor in this court never letting up or letting go reminding me that i am useless and will never be enough and so here we are and here i find myself again where suicidal ideation is my only friend