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Nov 2017
I searched through
Typed in and wondered
And now I'm just trying to avoid
The pop up filters
Of seeing where your face remains
And reminds me
How you deleted me from your sight.

You said you just wanna stare at walls
You said your depression a mess
You said you got too drunk to be present
You said
You said
You said.

But I thought I was so fascinatin'
I thought you thought I was the ****
You said you out here to support
But you couldn't seem to remember
And only went on
To forget.

It didn't last too long at all
I'm a little fierce pixie
I'll be just fine
But the little kick in my step
That ruffled with murmurs
Of me surrendering over
Some emotional investment to you
When I know I should be guarding my heart
Or just caring less
But its just real tough for me
Its just real tough for me.

I wanna look at it from a different point of view
Like it effects me and my insides less
And I'm struck with the image
Where I would ride the train
Or walk in the cold
In Philadelphia
Wrap myself up tight
In my work and in my relationships
While my heart, my mind
Longs for the lasting companionship
Of one person.

Didn't mean to ask too many questions
It seemed like we were fantasizing
But you didn't want to hear the truth
Or let me call it out as I saw it
So you decided
To dehumanize me
And make me gone
From the technological world
You found me in.
Written by
OnwardFlame  Los Angeles, CA
(Los Angeles, CA)   
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