the english: they're peasants, but still deem themselves as speaking as: pheasants; they even dare to tickle the assurance of peacocks! **** me, shakespeares the whole lot of them? not with a geordie / cockney accent you ain't, you right ol' worth of bollocking worth of ****! that's the problem with english peasants, they all suddenly think they have the surname... Windsor! **** me, i've never met a bigger crap-eating-****-loading-people in my life! they don't even have the tenacity to be pedantic about their language being pristine: as long as it remain in slang... ah... all's fine matey! but the annoying bits of a people start to shine through... they're not the ******* ROY-AL inbreeding tact of a people deserving crown and carriage... plebs! i'm the same sort of peasant you are... but **** me, better check next time if you catch me playing on addressing airs!*
kraj, i te słowa, i to tyle: co ma znaczyć; reszta? angola: blah blah, i twoje badanie gzymsu - - czekać: by coś spadło. bogini gniewu nie zna słowa: przebacz; mówi: przebacze kiedy: zapomne; węc? puki pamiętam, ani nie kocham, ani nienawidze, ani obliguje mnie zmuszenie by wynagrodzić jedno pierwszym: drugim, czy też drugim: pierwszym zwane to podobno "to samo".