Every day she tried To better herself. But, in the end, It was easier To shut out and hide.
She tried to appear bona-fide. But where her life was going - She felt it was up to others to decide.
It’s not that she always wanted to be lead. It’s that, when she really needed it, No one ever heard what she said.
But when given the chance to freely express Herself with no limit, All the judgments she’s ever heard Seemed to push their way into the spotlight, Now well-lit.
Crossing paths with others Who have done great for themselves, She thinks, I wonder how it brought them here, Their trip through hell…
She needs no reminders of where she could be. A look in the mirror Is all she needs to see.
Even the physical scars of the past Are evidence of Where all these moments, Called life, Have taken her; Right up to the last.