Always fear of the wasp kind A pesky insect couldn't abide Only stung once in life But as child the memory was horrific This year for months had to negotiate window open and closed A hive of activity above the rows Swarming about sometimes come in to check home out Would hide by door If close fall further back into retreat Not fancy them applying stinging spree The more eye saw the more to see Not really interested in causing anarchy Fly from floral pattern to swirls on the roof hoping for some plant to root Started getting closer to open window wide could get out not stuck inside Got to a point on handheld tissue they would hop to venture out without wounding plot Then one day Call out had been made for colony to be smoked away Neighbours couldn't cope to have them creatures stay I understand a pest to family But wish nature and man could live in much more harmony Now gone Unstung melody Though not a victory that taste so sweetly To the wasps that lived above me