I am cold, the chilling winds.... the feeling ever so old Told from the bottom of my heart, an endless story tears me apart Like a sharp pointed tip from the end of a dart Did stab through the pit of my cold black heart.
I'm alive on the out, but inside I'm dead throughout, from the cold bitter wind continuing about it numbs me to the point of a desperate feeling wishing that I wasn't feeling so beaten.....
Now I wish I was Happy Something once as told by my pappy "Find your smile for something, you'll find that millionth mile" and with that said there was no more denial.
Like a lonely pile adrift Floating on the bluest seas, my conscious begins to drift pushed by that cold chilling wind discerned on an ocean discovered only in myth.
My broken body and mind freezes Like a broken record that never stops rephrases I'm alive by the cold biting wind that never stops blowing .....Or so it begins