Drafted into reality Slated for death Destined to survive- Conquer death Left to face a new reality
After all those terrible memories of Millions of droplets of dark. red spilled blood cells Pouring out of my comrades bodies Feeling the cold limp lifeless Bodies of friends who used to be there Before they were gone Before they went Six Feet Under
All those memories From years of battle Will haunt me forever Always be giving me nightmares
Swore to myself I’d never Revisit the Field of Haunted Dreams and Lost Memories
I’ll make it to the memorial Pay my respects To all those comrades Who gave up everything To protect the freedoms Of our country All those dear friends who Deserve to be here more than me
Years have gone by Time has matured me Finally made my way To the memorial
Names of my friends Flashed through my periphery As I was scanning that black, granite stone To see how to personally Commemorate all the people Who helped save me
Through the corner of my eye I saw Written there Right in front of me On that black stone wall Was Me
I had to look back Make sure it was true Seeing my name made me Think about who I was then and Who I turned out to be Made me wonder How things would have been different if They had called someone else to duty Instead of me
Would my life have been different If I finished my education? Got a real job? Found a wife, Made a family All on my own terms?
Did war make me better or Would I have been this great on my own? I was ****** into battle Forced to grow up Experienced **** no man should ever have to see I can’t stop wondering about how Things could’ve, would’ve, or should’ve been
Will I spend the rest of my life Asking myself the question of What if?
Will I ever move on From my past- That day my life ended When I was called to duty During that draft Thinking why me? This shoulda been somebody else