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Jul 2012
Oh August, please be kind to someone who's tough
For I have battled with July fair enough
Survived June not bad enough
And cried for May --- more than enough

Stranded with time as it slowly tick
Friends do think that both of us will click
But time gives test to see who will stick
Like a coin with results in just one flick

Nothing lasts for long as well as being alone
Time will surely come that you will find a home
Live each day with a smile and pretend you're not lonesome
Avoid being snob, don't make someone feel unwelcome

Love is just around the corner
Waiting for you to uncover
Just don't rush into things until you fully recover
A wonderful life awaits for you to discover

Spend each day doing things your heart desires
Adventures done alone will have nothing to require
So treasure the memories that you will acquire
Share the lessons that will possibly inspire
Written by
The Ankh  32/F
   rk and ---
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