Make me poetry the very first word that comes after your breathe value & essence, for how sweet to taste it is to say the right words at the right time.
Lead me through your desires within your darkest reigns of your infinite glory,
Parables, riddles Metaphysical, allegories as many form as they may
Where language, culture, tradition & religion were formed may my words as cords, fasten bond.
Tutor me from Gèez to english put the very craft of your word in me adorn me as the euphrates & tigris from your garden of love & life where every precious stones adore you
Dress me from your firer lake where even souls that are eternal dread take away all my dross like the separation of the Red Sea
As a potter & a vessel I'm your moulded clay put all your strings in me make me your living & eternal will.
Covenant my eyes as your everlasting holies of holies may my presence be as cool as the breathe of life and my touch of whole-stream baptism Devine.