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Nov 2017
I felt like another man

I feel different

I will feel something else

Have I forgotten
How to feel?

My feelings
Are isolated

Like a ball
Locked in a shell

Prevented from bouncing
And merging with a new lover

To love
Is to place your feelings
In the palm of another’s hands

To offer up your body
For examination

To love
Is to present
The totality
Of one’s fragility

To love
Is to say
I am me

To love
Is to wash and clean another’s soul

To accept and respect
Their uniqueness

To enter in
To the other person
And remain there

For a while

And then remove oneself

Like the tides
Together, apart,
In and out
Day and night
Life and death

I am alone
Without love

Floating like a bubble on the breeze

Drifting into the future
Perhaps never to enter
Into the life of another

Before I pop


And evaporate

Back into the everything
Written 7th November 2017
Commuter Poet
Written by
Commuter Poet  UK
     Brian Nutsch and Irene Poole
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