I am a monumental Woman my Scalp plunges the sky depths and my wide Soles caress the clay layered deep my Palms hum with light ever expanding ever surpassing my Fingertips the curve in my Spine sings with the waves of the ever shifting sea and I see with the Eyes of every living thing empathy seeping into my Bloodstream
this Body is my Earth my Home my Sanctuary my Palace of water and dust
I lay Myself bare I am exposed open and vulnerable uncovered yet I bend like trees in the storm like grass under foot and I undulate like water over stones like smoke twistingΒ Β I flicker like flame over fuel like wind in Your hair
I have chosen to let my Limbs stretch and soak in the open air I have chosen to drink of fullness and taste the richest fruits of life I do not hide away in forgotten caves or blue corners I am here in the open breathing deeply of this golden air
I am not sorry if my boldness upsets or disrupts you, if You cannot help but notice the depth and breadth of my Life this is Me and I will not hide that I am a monumental Woman