The Surgeon with his highly trained skills~carefully prepares the area into which he will be Entering and Exiting. He does not enter the freeway from the feeder street, without first looking to check , to see if the way is clear or if there may be an Oncoming Danger. He does not go down the Dark Basement Stairs~without first turning on the light ~to make sure the steps are clear~ and exactly where he should place his very next step. He does not stick his hand in the mouth of the Alligator~unless he knows the jaws are properly secured. IF Man is so Aware of these Danger Signs~what is it that makes him so Unsure about tomorrow ? And what is IT that makes another man~so sure about tomorrow ? Which are the greater fears~the ones seen or the ones Unseen ? Per chance the problem lies in the fact~ Man doesn't know for Sure~whom to ask ! Has mankind asked the wrong questions~ to the the wrong people ? OR~does any other man~hold the correct answers ? Why is it~the salve rubbed on early in the morning~usually wears off by noon ? Man has tried to make Erasers for his fears~but as we scrub harder and harder with ~Man made Erasers~! WE finally rub a Hole in the Paper ! So~what to do with the hole ? Start all over~on a new clean sheet~with even more erasers~as fears and errors~mount by the day. As Man approaches his last sheet~erased and crumbled to the finest of powders . Spelling out ~ "WHO TO TURN TO " .