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Nov 2017
Never thought you existed
Until the day you stood in front of me
My world turned upside down
All rationales went out the window
The window I’ve spent years to build to keep people out
You peeked through the seams no one’s ever been
You caught a glimpse of my soul no one’s ever seen
Leaving me exposed and vulnerable.  

I love your strong independent personality
as i recognize how we have finally both meet our match

I love the way our eyes suddenly met in the crowd of people
and we just intensely peered a second too long

I love the way you smile and how it just broke through my jaded heart
like a hammer shattering glasses

I love the way you are comforted
as I held you hand and weighted tears were made ok

I love the way you stood close to me
as we slightly touched, skin to skin
it’s really the only thing I could feel anymore

I want to be the touch you crave for in a cold dark night
I want to be your idea of perfect imperfections
I want to be the lighthouse to the ghost ship you are steering
I want to be everything you never thought you deserve
I want to be your champion of the dreams you dare not dream
I want to be the Bible you spend a lifetime reading,
as at every turn of a page and
every line of psalm is a layer of undiscovered passion
ready to feed your soul  
And all I really want is to hold you and not let go
cocoon you in my warmth until the moon comes up and goes back down

So let your weary guard down and I will be your guardian forever
Even though whatever we have might not even last, I want to let you know that
I would walk with you till the end of the road, the very end
for I finally know what soulmate means through the glisten in your eye
It was just a cliche until...
Samuel H
Written by
Samuel H  122/M/California
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