objectification is very much a cul de sac, it's a one way street... to objectify is to allow an animate object a confirmation of an all-pervasive control... objectification = the inability of an object to become a self-serving subject - no hammer ever managed to self-serve itself into a role of a screwdriver... to be objectified is to have no self-serving subject, i.e. a self; how can a woman ever be "objectified" when she subjects herself to both the object (that's her body) and the subject (that's her mind) - or, objects to the object stated - whereby by "objectification" there's a reinforcement of being subject to the object... her body, which reinforces her subjectivity - when man is prone to objectification, as pronouncing his extended members, a woman is prone to subjection - irony on the ob- prefix, wasn't it ever reverse infatuation? sure, not all the subplots appear in being "objectified" - but at least being "objectified" does not equate to being subject to a man's will... if you can't deal with the "extremes": is being "objectified" as bad as being subject to a niqab?! besides the point, i can't believe that one animate thing can make another animate thing objectified - in the purest sense of: deeming an animate thing inanimate to be: a thing observed without a self-serving self-aware ******.