Who loves life more than those who have no riches Except for their children who have to be taught to be sad? Who weeps more for a poor man who perishes Except for the woman whose heart beat is all he had?
Or is it a man who has too much to lose?
Who loves the land more upon which they wander Except those who know others do not value their worth? Who weeps more than those risking their lives crossing a river Except ancestors sleeping in graves already erased from this earth?
Or is it a man who owns the land with all the rules?
Who loves their children more than those who have nothing to give them Except for those who do not ask them to glorify their parents? Who weeps more for the offspring who must learn to be men and women Except for those who teach them how life does not give always give presents?
Or is it a man whose children do not have holes in their shoes?
Who loves the sun, moon and the stars that await them each morning Except those who claim them because they are the chosen ones? Who loves the silent force inside that compels a smile instead of mourning Except those who allow the spirit to be strong until their judgment day comes?
Or is it a man who knows it is between Jesus or riches that he must choose?