I only stopped to claim my sword, Adorned with royal rose hips. I tried to run to the castle. I would swim the moat's ditch: Brave the monsters of the waters, to shorten my frantic trip. I would have climbed the tower walls, I would have scaled the steepest cliffs to keep the snow within my globe: To keep my wife beside my hip. The man's laughter flowed, chortling, Over lacerated lips, As he watched me run a fool, Stumble, stand, and slip. It faded from my ears, but from my mind it never did.
There before me, I saw a figure. It appeared to be unhid; standing in the thicket, as though the forest where it lived.
I stopped and slid.
The path beneath my feet betrayed my stealth instantly. How must have looked my face, when she turned to peer at me! "What do you in this place?" I asked, fumbling visibly. The child, when she spoke, could be no older than thirteen.
"Know you the queen?" She asked, happily. Her teeth were white and clean. Her face was fair and even. Her body: strong and lean. Her eyes were closed and bathing in the sunlight's warming beam. "I have come from lands unknown here, it does no service to name my king. I carry presents to this land; Rumors of bells ring. The marriage of true love is occasion for all to sing. I am a seer, and glimpse the future, and the peril that it brings. I'm here to grant a single wish to a prince who is charming."