we grew suspect, the moment my next door neighbour demanded accords - yet he was the one aged 50+ and a bride 40+ with a screaming down, syndrome "mosaic": laughter dies... unseemingly resurrect... left aside, wit fingers cold n left unsung - to warmest tongue untie - let us sing post scriptum auld land syne - let us sing e residing rest - dire rat to a rat's respite - dire tribe with the soul missing, and lacklustre the weaving mary... scot the arkan proud... may i grieve, toward the grieving vier until bound... wit shackle stonel to iron bounds let all echo astound the astounding the woa - in grip of blue: the bagpipes at waverly station... and all history be made a worthwhile hush - the way a pict will suffice to memorise - and the english have his shank strut - beyond the the nether realm of levant, to thrice the mention of antioch... let me tell you: what came with the roman empire, died with it... what your arab spawn desired in the former latin lands, held not belief in the "acquired" lands... joke: what do you call an arab without oil? an arab without oil... what do you call an anorexic that's pregnant? foetus-parasite feeds the rest.... i simply can't believe an arab without oil... seems a question that time only answers: well, aren't you mecca-abre?!