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Oct 2017
Choice my old friend! Why do you patiently wait?
Move on! wait not at my gate for the decisions I cannot make.

Choice! Why do you bother me so,
I wish not to be burdened by indecision, Now GO!

Eternal Choice! so persistent though distant are you, how long can you possibly wait?
Move on! Move on! Ask not of my fate.

Choice! whether your friend or foe, please understand you know not what I know!
The world in which I live, or the morals in which I grow.

Poor choice! your as cursed as I!
Your simply destined to blindly follow.
With no questions or reason why,
You lead to happiness as often as sorrow.

In a world of silent treatment, this is my greatest power you say...
To overthrow the ignorance and cowardice,
How? in which way?

Choice! My old very unwelcomed friend! You still patiently wait,
What is it you see in me? What is it you wish to awake?

I am Jimmy
JD Leishman
Written by
JD Leishman  28/M/Melbourne, Australia
(28/M/Melbourne, Australia)   
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