He walks Right foot followed by the left His head a wilted flower Facing the floor Hiding the tears Hiding the fears And hiding his flowering mind that he finds Hideous The day is half over And he finds himself again At the nurses office Facing the ceiling Always up or down Never forward
He sits Knees under his chin Arms wrapped around them Suddenly face buried Rocking back and forth Repeating the one desire "I just want to be two years old again" Tears streaking down his face Reflecting the television he uses To drown out his sobs His wishes going unanswered His anxiety going out of control And his mind Just going Forced and failed attempts at sleep Produce nothing but tear stained pillows And blood shot eyes
He sleeps The rare nights Where his fears invade his dreams Everything intermingling Mixing and morphing into something Even he doesn't recognize All of it terrifying And all of it A part of him A part of his unconscious All shoved inside the chest of his subconscious Buried deep inside his mind Locked with a key it will take forever to find It never calms He Never calms
He wakes Another paralyzed morning Chest pounding Blood rushing Skin tingling Stomach pain beginning He wants to move To not be wrapped in his straight jacket sheets Despite their comfort The day passes through his mind His life passes through his mind "What if..." Every wrong decision possible Collapsing his determination
He stands He stumbles Another false start Another day off to the wrong start Gaze returning to his mattress Hearing the siren song Promising to soothe his deteriorating soul But he knows the black hole Disguised by that black comforter He can't fall back in
He walks He sits He sleeps He wakes He stands He ages Anxiety his only constant Anxiety his only promise