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Jul 2012
The sky was green, the trees were red
Folks were rising from the dead
I guess I should have stayed in bed
Things were going on in Salem

Zombies walking through the town
The inside of my shorts was brown
What once was up was somehow down
What was going on in Salem

I'd heard a tale of witches three
Who died in sixteen ninety three
They all were hung from a tall tree
In a spot outside of Salem

I checked to see they weren't around
They were still buried in the ground
They lay there silent, nary a sound
But, what was wrong in Salem

Covens, witches, fake or real
Red trees, green skies was quite surreal
For zombies, I might be their next meal
The was magic out in Salem

I did some research and found out
That spells recited round about
By witches reinforced with stout
Would ***** things up in Salem

You see, a spell from in the past
would never work, nor would it last
Especially if it was cast
By a drunken witch in Salem

We found her dancing in the park
She'd gotten drunk just for a lark
She'd been drinking hard since before dark
To cast a spell on Salem

The cops came in and charged said witch
For casting spells while drunk, the *****
Forgot the rules, there lies the hitch
Of casting spells in Salem

Public Intoxicantation , the charge was laid
For all the mischief that she made
Three nights in jail, a fine was paid
Now all is well in Salem
my wife Megan and I created Intoxicantation the other night. Love the word, it just screamed out "drunk witches casting spells" to me. so, me being me...I had to use it.
Roger Turner - Poet
Written by
Roger Turner - Poet
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