Breathe in the freshness of the arduously picked commodity, That you hold between your lacquered fingers. Don’t let synthetic ingredients dissolve your thoughts and obscure your vision.
The liquid remedy we sip is drenched, With pain and protracted nurturing Carefully fostered through inclement weather drink in the story that comes with it That fuels caffeinated conversations. Refined and defined leaving us blind to the painted secrets of lives that were once lead different lives intersect, different thoughts and opinions interject.
Leaving lipstick kisses on the porcelain skin Sipping away worries and pain. Inhaling the smell of impelling advice, fragments of sugar coated anecdotes melt, integrating within, interfering with the raw, strong, sharp taste that can pierce through.
the rare intense, earthy aftertaste is tainted with artificial garnishing, suffocating the fresh natural essence neatly contained in the teacup ready to serve and ready to present taking shape of the porcelain guise
Don’t sprinkle it with processed collaborations of sugared doubt, Contaminating your imagination Manipulated by dainty voices Resonating in your head Like the delicate teacup You anchor with your soft hands Weighed down by the overly sweetened tea. No longer holding significance of the vast fresh fields it sprouted from Forgotten and drowned in the voices of someone else’s drum beat. cloudy vision reflected in the saturated tonic you sip elegantly, pasting a smile suppressing your own desires, under someone else's acceptance.