I remember when I was going through a really hard time last year, you were there constantly even when it felt like I wasn’t and you didn’t mind. You didn’t mind not understanding what was wrong but as long as you could console me to a certain extent, you were pleased. You’d give me this face thinking that I’d crack a smile and seeing that I wouldn’t budge, you’d put on the Lauryn Hill station on Pandora. You’d paint these pictures that were messages that said, “Don’t Leave Me! I Wuv U” and ”You Are My Everything, Dont Go”. I’d glance at them when you were in the process of adding more and more decorations in watercolor.. but I never let the thoughts behind it actually resonate in me. I didn’t care about how my actions or thoughts could hurt or affect anybody, I couldn’t eat or think straight but that’s what heartbreak does..hopefully you won’t find that out soon. I thank you for that now though. Supporting me with the little things that you do.
I really appreciated your support Li I can’t really stress it enough. I don’t really voice my feelings so this is pretty much all I’m gonna show you- no discussion or hugs afterwards.