Little girl Why do you sit so? Wires spread across your lap Connecting your head to something not there. Do you not go outside? Pale is your skin and so fast your fingers fly Switching seamlessly to different devices Wires stitching your reality together.
Old woman Why do you stare so? Clutching your purse As if it was a link to sanity. Do you not know how this works? Wrinkled is your skin and in your eyes hardened judgement speaks Blue veins showing in your mottled hands Thin as the wires in my lap.
Little girl Have you ever seen the face of the sun? In my day the children were active.
Old woman Have you not seen how the world has changed? We are no longer allowed outside.
To be diligent students, we use technology To connect with friends, we use technology To be active in our society, we use technology
Do not take out your phone and tweet a picture of me Comments disparaging of my generation's addiction to connection And hold your head high that you have done right.
Do not shake your head at something you did not have access to And deem it "useless" or "unneeded".
Do not scorn something you do not know.
But If you would be willing to change with the world I am a good source to learn from. Just ask me.