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Oct 2017
Too young to understand
Daddy's not coming home
Yet too old
Not to care

Little girl
Looking at her mom
Wondering, wondering,
What was going on?
Why was mommy sad?
Had me and brother been bad?

Too young to remember
When daddy was there,
Too old to forget
That he was ever here.

Little kids,
Innocent and pure
Looking up at mommy,
Holding daddy's picture dear

Little girl
Too young to remember...
Daddy's eyes,
His voice,
His smile or size,
Too young to remember.
Too young to say goodbye.
And now,
Too old, only able to fantasize.
My father died when I was two from cancer. My older half brother remembers little things, simple things about him that seem meaningless yet would mean the world to me if I personally could remember them. I've only had pictures and others to fill the gaps.
This is one of my poems for him, my very first on this site was for him as well.
Alexis K
Written by
Alexis K  22/F/Drowning Somewhere Near
(22/F/Drowning Somewhere Near)   
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