As you look at the stars above, they reflect their radiance. The heavens are ebony; the moon is showing. It is quite empty, other than the lonely astral wonders. The moon seems to have a spectral tone to it; Your eyes view it as quite ghostly. Yet, the beauty cannot be overlooked; The splendor is all too real. Alas, the sun outshines the moon; But the moon seems more beautiful in a way. The eerie yet graceful glow is breathtaking; Even the orbiting stars bow down to it.
Our minds cannot decipher the wonders of the night; The midnight sky is too complex to explain. Mere scientific explanations cannot explain it in depth; So we must just gaze and cherish the moon and stars. They are a blessing to the skies; A beautiful ray of glow that can give a feeling of hope. It is just the moon and midnight sky; But it is special, and we shall not take it for granted. It almost seems to look upon thee with protection; But alas, it's just the moon. But we can still cherish it's never ending magnificence; For the moon and stars are everlasting until the end of the world.