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Jan 2020
.**** on me, how many unpublished drafts do i have? they must be bad, so, skål! as much as seeing others see them, as me walking naked on a street, come noon! - and beside that, see... i'm slightly bothered, for me there were two major events from the 20th century as sources of genesis... i'm sorry, i'm not old enough to base my concerns in the Aushwitz / Holocaust dimension... but why wouldn't i side with the Yids about their homeland, my homeland is only 100 years old, speaking from the date of its revival, after, the ****** nobles, misguided it, and let it be carved up three ways, a third to the Russians, a third to the Prussians and a third to the Austro-Hungarians: no wonder i do not don any tattoos on my skin, i already have plenty on my mind. beside the point... i can't claim a narrative of world history from Auschwitz... there was another event, in the 20th century, and, fortunately, or unfortunately (however you look at it), i, am, part of. 25–26 April 1986... i was born, 15th of may of the same year... how many days is that? 20 / 19 days apart... apparently may that year, in poland, was most beautiful... but that streak of autumnal looking trees in the park, between the spring bloom was odd... i still have a scar, from the birthmark, given to me, by Chernobyl... sure... Chernobyl, miles and miles away from where i was born! atom is not, a ******* tornado! it would appear: a time in history when faith and science came together in a marriage of: what people can't see, they will not believe... and they didn't... until it was too late, the after-effects of Chernobyl are still resonating, how many of my family members succumbed to cancer? cancer of the blood, a cancer with terrifying optics, i.e.: you can see it move around the body. so it wasn't economics that prompted my parents to move, it was the fear of living in Poland, with the after-effects of Chernobyl. so please... please... if Auschwitz is the only narrative genesis to speak of? go to Auschwitz, along with all the other returning tourists... but... good luck, trying to gain access to the ghost town. after all, i respect the Yids, even if i am not circumcised, but i do study Qabbalah.

lucky me, and the poem i just deleted
by accident...
   how i mentioned the devolution
of the letter R, i.e. the loss of the trill,
in that the french hark it,
while the english have numbed it,
how the R still represents the rattlesnake,
in the gymnastics of lingo,
and how in the broth of french / english
is represent a mutation...
how the R was almost a wheel in terms
of rolling... and how the english
still cite latin phrases with the trill
but how the R has been devolved,
      how there is too much ambiguity
concerning iota in "inverted" / double
the ditto membranes: "ι" -
    implying a loss of responsibility,
but never the lost origin of the wheel
in rho, in R... i.e.
dynamism of the lost front leg,
giving the rotary collapse motion...
and how the original R was a rattle-snake
how the original signification matters,
unlike there being no boa in sight...
from a trill, to a hark to a tarantula bite
on the tongue in english...
the letter has devolved...
     and who are the two coolest drummers
in rock history, poker faced?
the title mentions them...
                i really can't reproduce
what i wrote and just deleted,
  i can only think of the punk power three
according to green day,
and the power four of en vogue...
mulaut with blood cherry lipstick...
  я знаю: i know -
           for every ю grapheme (yu)
there's a я grapheme (ya) -
          znayoo - себя -
  б not the antithesis copernican of ρ?
so much for a 3D earth, still most strong
within a 2D context.
i still prefer the original text i accidently
          it's called the devolution of
the letter R, and the "evolution" of
the double-affirmative of identifying the speaker /
     the french & the english already
believe in the existence of the rattlesnake,
giving how they mishandled keeping
the trrrrrrrr -
   or called it twamp instead of *****...
tongue numbing antics;
still the original idea is there,
who is more poker faced when comparing
charlie watts & larry mullen jr.?
Written by
Mateuš Conrad  36/M/Essex (England)
(36/M/Essex (England))   
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