the **** just happened last night? oh, right, 1 litre of whiskey, documented with an emptying bottle and a clock... and the silliest thing a person could do, was take a "selfie" with a hat + pompom pulled over his eyes... but i seem to remember something else... while i was cooking stuffed peppers today... what the hell was it? ah, right... now i remember... listening to i'm shipping up to boston by the dropstick murphys, and continually punching my face for about 10 minutes... while also in the silent movie way of singing along to the song... who does that?! does what? punch themselves in the face? well... some people learn a martial art, i'm a cheapo, i practice on myself, if i can withstand my own punch in the face, any other poker will have a harder time to punch me out... then again, there was the ireland vs. wales match today, and i was trying to jinx it, meaning: i wanted the paddies to win... and win, they did; and it would appear i'm more irish in terms of literary adventure than most, i've have the james joyce oeuvre under my belt... which is a bit like having finished that ponce proust... i'm actually dreading reading that book of his, and to be frank, i'd probably get off more reading the small print of some terms & conditions on a contract, or do the rain-man and read a phonebook; sometimes all you need in hell is a book, there's no need for hellfire.
p.s. by the way, who made sisyphus roll the rock up that hill? was there some sort of guardian whipping him to repeat this futile action? why didn't he sit by the rock and contemplate it, becoming the architect of a cognitive labyrinth?