oh mother, you have endured so much pain. you have braved an entire lifetime more than many.
oh mother, your bones are strong, and your smile resilient. your hands may quiver but they are passionate with the hands of life.
oh mother, your soul is pure and the elements are jealous. if only the sunset could radiate your colors. if only flowers could uphold your strength. for they wish to uphold you.
oh mother, do not be weary, remember who you are. for the leaves of green must return to their original state and remember who they were before the cold even if it means becoming bare.
oh mother, even the sunflowers rest in the winter and I know you cannot. but the brevity in your existence, the elegant movement of yourself is needed.
oh mother, lift yourself like the lords rein. for you have carried crosses, but only the strongest ones walk alongside Him.
oh mother, I love you.
for my rock, who has held the strength throughout this heartbreaking month.