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Oct 2017
I'm talking *****, you talking *****
Im trying to flirt, you acting flirty
We got a few drinks in us, we know where this is going
We're under the stars, your skin is glowing
Im looking at your body, I want to take that dress off
You're staring at my eyes, but you know I'm not soft
We hopped in the ride, we're headed to the hotel
It's me and you tonight, no one else
You wrap your legs around me, we ain't even through the door
I take my shirt off, you tighten your legs more
I lay you on the bed
Your legs began to spread
I painted a picture of you in my head
Wrote you a poem and this is what it said
Tonight you're all mine
I'll take care of you you'll be fine
You'll feel only pleasure
Tonight is a night that you'll always remember
I'll pick you up, have you against the wall
Its me and you but it's still a free for all
Don't worry I'll keep my pace, we're going for hours
If you get too hot don't worry we'll move it to the showers
It's not a boxing match but we still going round for round
Let's see if you can last pound for pound
It's only lust
Don't catch no feelings that's not us
I know all you want to do is have fun
That's fine with me I just want to touch you with my tongue
I'll have your legs shaking after
Leaving the room like a hurricane that came and left a disaster
When we're done we'll go our separate ways
Until we meet again on another day
Alan Jimenez
Written by
Alan Jimenez  25/M
       REY, Jamie, --- and Karen
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