there's a story on the wind can you hear it? an ode to a classic hero facing enemies at every turn a ballad from a love struck sailor to his land locked dame the lamentation of a tired soul ready to exit stage left epics bound in flesh breathing the same air walking the same earth yet completely unaware of when plot lines intersect one persons sunrise is another sunset riding off to where the sidewalk ends a stunning view of Mars in all his glory from another window an example of an empty vessel hungry for content with each step we act our the script the world's a stage the plays the thing
let's pan out and take into view the aspect ratio in conjunction with our soundtrack monologues dialogues analog has less room for falsehood than these digital lives digital lies we lead rewriting the scope and depth of the narrative without changing pace or thinking to replace certain key elements like setting and grace peace comes when the curtain closes don't fret encores are in order but on the b-side of the single we must note with remixed emotion that the stories we live have no sequel so we must trust and ****** ourselves into every opportunity paving the way to success not just for us but for those that read the synopsis and hit rewind