Another tally under Everything I Do Wrong If numbers are truly limitless I can keep this up My body is even reacting the same way As last time And I want to laugh and cry But mainly I just want to die I want to die so bad that I can taste it behind the alcohol I don't want to cry anymore I don't want to laugh and joke around I don't want to feel the ache in my body I want everything to be still, I want to feel peace I am drowning by no one but myself Will there ever be a light? Will there ever be another way, Another person to come along and just... Care? Care without having to already, Care and see that I am ******* rotted out, Dying and barely holding on? Will they tell me I deserve so much better? Will they show me Im finally not alone? Im so ready to drive straight through a curve, To not hear the car coming Im ready for something else Something that isn't here