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Oct 2017
you're still going to pay for something with a woman, so why skip paying for the dinner, and pay for the knitty-gritty?

which why why i don't understand
  these highly evolved moralists...
i can understand an α- male strutting along
playing a miles davis track
with a trumpet, and a bob dylan
jingle with his has ushering the wind &
the willows via his ***...
   it's a simple question -
   do these males really feel so morally
superior, as to ostracise both the *****
and the pundit?
                   seems the men who sometimes
visit prostitutes, are worse than
the prostitutes themselves,
  they stink of: ******* should exist,
but only offer services to the disabled...
  oh they're not for "abolishing" prostitution,
they're for prostitution to be a medium
for: those poor ******* in wheelchairs...
  while stephen hawking spends a weekend
on *jeffrey epstein's
island and gets
his brains ****** over twice without
thinking about the universe: and that slobbering
grin of his just enlarges into a supernova...
but hey... it's apparently the moral basis
for a β-male's pruning the rose bushes,
  because if he ever walked into a brothel
he'd run off having a wet *****'s worth
of premature *******, looking at a room
of 12 x 2 = 24 caterpillar of fleshy legs...
          intimidated, he couldn't even
get a hard-on drunk...
              i'm the last man "waiting"...
         i have no point to ostracise these women,
clearly ******* elevates their
moral "dilemma"...
   oh bad, not good, this can't go on!
     let me check with uncle richie my right
hand man on the topic: is it all bad?
  you find a ***** in a *******'s room,
she spots you looking at it,
  and she asks: wanna use it?
  and you reply: not really -
or when she's exhausted for the day and
you tell her: i don't mind,
   and you snuggle up together for the rest
of the paid hour and just talk,
and then you kiss both her eyelids,
or you leave after an hour,
after she just told you: baby, you can *******
as many times as you like,
  but after that one hour: you haven't,
and she gives you the look of:
          i must be some sort of failure.
it's just a ****** shortcut!
      you end up paying for something,
  whatever it is, dinner, shoes, you name it!
but the β-male "morality" is about as gratifying
an argument as: excuse me, have to shoot
the sheriff off... because hands really are
the "moral" excuse for living the "pristine" life...
oh the shame, the guilt!
    how is that even a question of "morality"
when a ******* exclaims:
   aww... that's the second time on the job
                     (regarding her climaxing) -
ouch, kiss on the hand moments later and she's
still bewildered as to why it happened...
       that's why i don't believe in this
alphabetical psychologism derived from
the alpha-beta interaction,
after all, who the hell said -
        ego sum alpha et omega /
                         ἐγὼ τὸ Α καὶ τὸ Ω?
scrappy second pickings if you can't
identify that major woman in any man's life
that's sophia, that bride of ω-men...
and yes è (hold back) g' ò(h) -
other it would come out as    e'goo,
but the grave on the omicron is bewildering,
you already hold back from the ω,
i.e. ó, i.e. u - or too...
                as if the iota (ὶ) - which is what,
exactly?     you still cite j, which is
the iota acute (ί)... sure, it's not kay -
      but cayenne (pepper) - kai -
       what sort of withholding / drawing back
the slingshot of a tongue using this
diacritical distinction?
****, the greeks are just as bad as the inheritors
of latin (the english) -
   one has become too pedantic in their
written script, while the other has become
too lazy to even use it!
which means, by definition of applying
arithmetics to diacritical distinctions
   we receive the following clue:

omega acute (ώ) = oo'oo(h)
   omicron acute (ó) = ω = oo(h)
catcher in the rye, catcher in the tetragrammaton...
          omega grave (ὼ) = o               (oh,
pict for - oghhh **** - gurgle that one out)
                      omicron grave (ò) =
  ah, you see, only works in french,
   like the cédille, or sigma -

            even though there are no examples
of french with that letter -

the omicron grave is unfathomable to me...

       perhaps in spanish, in a bullring
where the matador would fling a pink cape
into the eyes of a gay bull and shout:

    olè!            i.e. ol'!
                      rather than....      olé! le le le! o(h).
in whatever french example there is...
after the grave accent on the vowel has been
indicted, the subsequent letters are surds...
i.e. silent... the best example i can give you
        is crème fraîche (crem)...
         ever wish you could have teased james
joyce to have written at least one diacritical
marked letter into finnegans wake?
   insert a single diacritical concern into that
work, and the whole work disintegrates into
a concern for his schizophrenic daughter's
     for all the concerns, there is not a single
diacritical mark in that book...
   not one!
                    must be an irish thing -
  ploom boom bam - 'ere comes the plum /
               aah: just so you can imagine what
it would be like, had i pút an banana into
that sentence, instead.
Mateuš Conrad
Written by
Mateuš Conrad  36/M/Essex (England)
(36/M/Essex (England))   
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